Yo Soy Mi Ruta
“Yo Soy Mi Ruta” is a one-woman show via improvisatory sonic material, video and field recordings. Using my own life story I aim to empower the audience to hear and feel heard, see and feel seen
$15 Tickets at the Door
“Yo Soy Mi Ruta” is a one-woman show via improvisatory sonic material, video and field recordings. Using my own life story I aim to empower the audience to hear and feel heard, see and feel seen
$15 Tickets at the Door
Yo Soy Mi Ruta teaser #2, check out my story and share yours (If you want) with me!
Yo Soy Mi Ruta teaser #1, check out my story and share yours (If you want) with me!
"Do not touch me, memory" is an interdisciplinary, immersive performance created by the Dante+Chin Duo (voice and flute) and visual artist Alexandra Desipris. Using bone flutes, voices, percussive jewelry, and three painted narrative scrolls, the artists will bring to life the story of a Neolithic tomb in which humans and sea-eagles have been bound in death for over 5,000 years.
Fonema Consort’s third album, Vistas furtivas, is a portrait album of their long-time collaborate, Ecuadorian composer Juan Campoverde. Campoverde’s music is full of deep, secretive, and lush magic. Spiritually, it is birdlike: lyrical, rapidly changing between textures, constantly on the wing. Released with New Focus Recordings, and supported generously by a City of Chicago DCASE grant
The Dante + Chin Duo presents “Stories”, a concert experience merging storytelling and music. Works by Juan Campoverde, Nina Dante, Stratis Minakakis, Angélica Negrón, Bethany Younge, and a world premiere by Iván Sparrow. Stories told in English and Spanish by Madelyn Marcella and Rossy Perrotta.
Hear world premieres by Chicago composers Amos Gillespie, David Keller, Elizabeth Johnson, Trevor Watkin, and Randall West, all written especially for this unique orchestra+band combo.
Composer Peter Ablinger and Chicago-based new music group Fonema Consort will delve together into an array of meanings of the human voice that preoccupy both parties – a clash of artistic worlds having in common the challenge of performative and perceptual notions in music. The sexagenarian composer – one whose creative output intersects the modernist and conceptual, performative and technological – will create a new piece for the ensemble, drawing from previous reflections on the meaning of song.
CCO begins its 10th Anniversary season with a world premiere Let Me Sing from Chicago-based composer Eric Malmquist. Guest soprano Ariana Strahl will be featured performing a song cycle inspired by the works of Djuna Barnes, Sara Teasdale and Frances Harper. Other works by Christopher Cerrone, Mara Gibson and Brandon Harrington.
Please join us for an evening of music combining acoustic instruments and voices with amplified objects, electronic sounds, and video. The program features artists who have been connected with NEC in a variety of ways and includes recent work by Andrea Pensado, Judy Dunaway, Tamar Diesendruck, Amber Vistein, Amanda Justice, and Stratis Minakakis.
Performing with ensemble Fulcrum Point works by Fernanda Aoki Navarro, Jorge David Garcia and Rodolfo Acosta. This is a performance part of the Chicago Latino Music Festival. This evening will also feature poetry by Keren Diaz de Leon and Daniel Borzutzky.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Constellation, 3111 N Western, Chicago
The Frequency Series presents Fonema Consort and Ursa Ensemble as they join forces to present Cassandra Miller’s Bel canto, a time-melting sonic portrait of Maria Callas’ voice throughout her career. Fonema Consort will also performed beloved works by Juan Campoverde and Ivan Sparrow, as well as a new work by Nina Dante. Ursa Ensemble will close the evening with Jean Cras’ string trio.
Monday April 29, 2019
Symphony Space Leonard Nemoy Thalia Theater, 2537 Broadway, New York City
Fonema Consort give the world premieres of works by Columbia University composers at Symphony Space.
Friday March 29, 2019
University of Florida
The University of Florida presents Nina Dante (voice), Dalia Chin (flute), and Kathryn Schulmeister (bass) of Fonema Consort in a concert of works featuring the premiere of sections of visionary Mexican composer Julio Estrada’s newest work, Yuunohui’sa. Additionally featuring the world premieres of works by University of Florida faculty.
Wednesday March 27, 2019
Florida International University’s Miami Beach Urban Studios, 420 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach
New Music Miami presents Nina Dante (voice), Dalia Chin (flute), and Kathryn Schulmeister (bass) of Fonema Consort in a program that features the premiere of sections of visionary Mexican composer Julio Estrada’s newest work, Yuunohui’sa. Pre-concert talk at 7:00pm, music at 7:30pm. Works by Katherine Balch, Pablo Chin (premiere), Julio Estrada, Louis Goldford (premiere), Stratis Minakakis, and Irene Quero.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
New England Conservatory Plimpton Shattuck Theater, 255 St. Botolph Street, Boston
The voice and flute duo comprised of Nina Dante and Dalia Chin performs solos and duos on the New England Conservatory Faculty Recital of composers Stratis Minakakis and Bert van Herck, ft. the works premiere of Minakakis’ duo Cassandra Fragments.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
The Blackstone Library, 4904 S Lake Park Ave, Chicago
Flutist Dalia Chin and pianist Jesus Garcia perform works by Amirov, Taktakishvili, Dvorak, and Rachmaninov.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Elastic Arts, 3429 W Diversey, Chicago
Elastic Arts presents Fonema Consort’s “The unknown, my flaws, your building…” ft. works inspired by Latin American creators. World premieres by Pablo Chin and Fernanda Aoki Navarro; and ft. Richard Barrett’s Coïgitum and Tiffany Skidmore’s no stars.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Sulzer Regional Library Auditorium, 4455 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago
Flutist Dalia Chin and clarinetist Yuen Yee Richardson perform works composed in the early 20th century by Piazzolla, Bach, Mozart and others.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Elastic Arts, 3429 W Diversey, Chicago
Dalia Chin Performs electroacoustic music for flute, including Pablo Chin’s “Inside the Shell” and Fernanda Aiko Navarro’s “About Beauty”. Audience and artists discuss the inspiration, process, and insights in the collaborative process between composer and performer, acoustics and electronics.